FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

The street light went out. How do I get it fixed?

Street light maintenance is the responsibility of Florida Power and Light (FPL).  Please call FPL at (386) 252-1541 to report a problem.

What is an easement?

When a public access for water, sewer or access crosses private property, the property owner grants the right to operate and maintain the facility, and this right to use the private property is termed an “easement.”  The property owner continues to own the land and has only given up defined rights on the portion of land used for the easement. Maintenance of the property within the easement is the responsibility of the property owner. The property owner continues to use the surface of the land but may not erect a structure in the easement.

Why are there painted lines and small plastic flags in my yard?

It is generally because there is excavation work being planned in the area and the person, company or utility planning the work has requested “locates”. The flags mark the location of buried utility lines.