Eric Westfall

Interim Holly Hill Chief of Police / Volusia County Sheriff's Office Division Chief
Phone Number

Temporary Changes to the Holly Hill Police Department with assistance from the Volusia County Sheriff's Office (VCSO)

To ensure the continuity of critical services provided by the HHPD and to support the Holly Hill community, temporary operational oversight has been established.  Volusia County Sheriff's Division Chief Eric Westfall and Watch Commanders, Lieutenant Cameron Tucker and Lieutenant Bryan have been assigned by the Volusia County Sheriff's office to provide assistance.

It is important to emphasize that this deployment is not an attempt to take over the HHPD but rather to fill operational gaps until such time as the Holly Hill Police Chief's position can be permanently filled and to develop a collaborative effort to ensure uninterrupted provisions of critical services and safeguard every member of the Holly Hill community. 

Holly Hill Sergeant Thomas Bentley has been reassigned to fill a Sergeant's vacancy.

Volusia County Sheriff's Division Chief Westfall will be temporarily filling the CID Sergeant position with a member of the VCSO to be determined.  


Interim Holly Hill Police Chief Westfall: ewestfall [at] 
Lieutenant Tucker: ctucker [at]